So you may come across central administration when you are attempting to change a user property in the user profile service and you cant seem to click on the account or property to edit it.
This happens in two places:
Specifically what I am talking about is the down arrow missing when you mouse over the item.
This is an ease fix. Go to the settings in IE and select Compatibility View Settings.
Your URL should show up in the add bar. Click the add button. Refresh the page, and now you should be all set!
If you are interested in learning more about SharePoint Administration. Check out the book above. I got a copy on my shelf right now and for some odd reason Amazon is even telling me that I actually purchased it twice. It is a little on the older side considering where we are right now with SharePoint but it has changed that much since this came out. When I was up and coming, this book is what I learned on.