
This post will tell you how to migrate the managed metadata service application into a new version of on premise SharePoint



Restore the database from backup

Open Powershell ISE as administrator

Run the following code:

Make sure to change the database and application pool variables. I have also commented out the creation of the application pool, but feel free to use it if necessary.

Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name ManagedMetadata -Account(get-spmanagedaccount 'domain\account')

$database = 'Managed Metadata Service'
$applicationPool = 'ManagedMetadata'
$mms = New-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Name 'Managed Metadata Service Application' -ApplicationPool $applicationPool -DatabaseName $database

You can now go to manage service applications in Central Administration and the service application should be present. Now we need to create the proxy

Run the following code:

New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy -Name "Managed Metadata Proxy" -ServiceApplication $mms -DefaultProxyGroup

For the final step you need to intialize the resource security

Run the following code:


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